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O livro “From Dictatorship to Democracy” (“Da Ditadura à Democracia”) e os demais documentos abaixo estão alojados no site original — Albert Einstein Institution — a instituição fundada por Gene Sharp. Ver todas as publicações…



Da Ditadura à Democracia: O Caminho para a Libertação
Edições tinta‑da‑china, Dez. 2015, Lisboa (Portugal), pdf, 144 págs. | fonte


Da Ditadura à Democracia: Uma Estrutura Conceitual para a Libertação
Tradução de José A. S. Filardo, Fev. 2011, São Paulo (Brasil), pdf, 64 págs. | fonte

From Dictatorship to Democracy : A Conceptual Framework for Liberation
Gene Sharp, 4ª Edição, Maio 2010, pdf, 101 págs, ISBN 1-880813-09-2 | fonte


A Short History of “From Dictatorship to Democracy” | pdf, 3 págs.
Excerpted from a letter written by Gene Sharp in response to a student on the origin and spread of his book.

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action | pdf, 2 págs. | fonte
These methods were compiled by Dr. Gene Sharp and first published in his 1973 book, “The Politics of Nonviolent Action, Vol. 2: The Methods of Nonviolent Action.” The book outlines each method and gives information about its historical use.


Poder, Luta e Defesa: Teoria e prática da ação não-violenta
Gene Sharp, Edições Paulinas, 1983, pdf, 274 págs | fonte
Self-Liberation: A Guide to Strategic Planning for Action to End a Dictatorship or Other Oppression
Gene Sharp e Jamila Raqib, pdf, 57 págs. | fonte
This strategic planning guide is intended to assist people who wish themselves to plan a grand strategy, or super plan, to achieve their liberation from oppression and to build a more free and democratic system. This document is not only relevant to people facing internal dictatorships. It is also meant to be useful to people facing any kind of oppression.
The Anti-Coup
Gene Sharp e Bruce Jenkins, 03.2003, pdf, 72 págs, ISBN 1-880813-11-4 | fonte
As coups are one of the primary ways through which dictatorships are installed, this piece details measures that civilians, civil society, and governments can take to prevent and block coups d’état and executive usurpations. It also contains specific legislative steps and other measures that governments and non-governmental institutions can follow to prepare for anti-coup resistance.
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Sobre Gene Sharp

Gene Sharp : em inglês | em espanhol
Gene Sharp is known for his extensive writings on nonviolent struggle. In 1983 he founded the Albert Einstein Institution, a non-profit organization devoted to studies and promotion of the use of nonviolent action in conflicts worldwide.

Sharp’s scholarship has influenced resistance organizations around the world. Most recently the protest movement that toppled President Mubarak of Egypt drew extensively on his ideas, as well as the youth movement in Tunisia and the earlier ones in the Eastern European color revolutions that had previously been inspired by Sharp’s work.

Sharp’s handbook “From Dictatorship to Democracy” served as a basis for the campaigns of Serbia’s Otpor, Georgia’s Kmara, Ukraine’s Pora, Kyrgyzstan’s KelKel and Belarus’ Zubr.
Albert Einstein Institution : em inglês | Site oficial
A non-profit organization that specializes in the study of the methods of non-violent resistance in conflicts and to explore its policy potential and communicate these findings through print and other media, translations, conferences, consultations, and workshops.


Gene Sharp, investigador aposentado de Harvard (EUA), é considerado o padrinho da resistência não-violenta, aqui fotografado em a 17.12.2009 no seu gabinete em Boston (Mary Knox Merrill / Staff CSM / Getty Images)

Influência de Gene Sharp (em português / esp.)

Activismo pacífico: O Senhor da (não) Guerra
VER, 23.02.2011
Há mais de 50 anos que escreve manifestos que inspiram activistas de todo o mundo a derrubar regimes ditatoriais através de actos não violentos. Gene Sharp tem 83 anos e, apesar de admirar Gandhi, defende o pacifismo por questões práticas, mais ao estilo de Clausewitz ou Maquiavel. O intelectual norte-americano é mais um pensador que um revolucionário, mas é apontado como o grande inspirador das recentes revoluções na Tunísia e no Egipto. E consta da lista de “inimigos a abater” de um vasto clube de ditadores.
Vídeo: Pacifista Gene Sharp foi um dos inspiradores dos jovens egípcios
Globo (Manhattan Connection), 20.02.2011, 17 min. | fonte
Seu manual ‘Da Ditadura à Democracia’, já ajudou a guiar varias revoltas populares.
El viejo pacifista que enseña a combatir a los dictadores
El País, 19.02.2011
Las ideas de Gene Sharp inspiran a los jóvenes líderes de Egipto y Túnez.
O “guru” dos manifestantes egípcios
Estadão (Radar Global), 17.02.2011
Quando se fala em não-violência o primeiro nome que se vem à cabeça é o Mahatma Gandhi, herói da independência da Índia. Talvez o doutor Martin Luther King, conhecido por sua luta pelos direitos civis nos EUA. Um ou outro pode se lembrar de Henry David Thoreau, ideólogo da desobediência civil. Os manifestantes que derrubaram as ditaduras de Zine Ben Ali e Hosni Mubarak seguiram os ensinamentos de outro homem, no entanto: o cientista político americano Gene Sharp..
As bengaladas do pacifista
Folha de São Paulo, 17.02.2011
Ditadores bravos e mansos, cuidado com a bengala de Gene Sharp. Ele foi o inspirador e guia dos protestos que derrubaram Milosevic na Sérvia, os regimes da Ucrânia e Geórgia, os ditadores do Egito, da Tunísia, sacodem o Irã, Bahrein, Líbia, Iraque, Argélia. Quem mais? Incomodam Chávez, Putin e dezenas de democracias suspeitas.
Seu “Politics of Nonviolent Action” (Políticas de ação não-violenta) é um canhão de 902 páginas, publicado em 1973, mas sua arma mais usada é o breve e portátil “From Dictatorship to Democracy” (Da Ditadura à Democracia), de 90 páginas, traduzido para mais de 30 línguas. O download é fácil.

Influência de Gene Sharp (em inglês)

Gene Sharp: Author of the nonviolent revolution rulebook
BBC News, 21.02.2011

Key Steps on the Path to Revolution

  • Develop a strategy for winning freedom and a vision of the society you want
  • Overcome fear by small acts of resistance
  • Use colours and symbols to demonstrate unity of resistance
  • Learn from historical examples of the successes of non-violent movements
  • Use non-violent “weapons”
  • Identify the dictatorship’s pillars of support and develop a strategy for undermining each
  • Use oppressive or brutal acts by the regime as a recruiting tool for your movement
  • Isolate or remove from the movement people who use or advocate violence

How Egypt happened: Gene Sharp and Optor! and years of organizing
Daily Kos, 17.02.2011
Mainstream media (even BBC) are treating the roiling protest in the middle East as if they, like Topsy jumped out of the head of Zeus.  As if the people just got to a boiling point.  As if there is a natural democrat in all of us that comes through at salient moments especially with the internet available to reflect that surging desire.

Shy U.S. Intellectual Created Playbook Used in a Revolution
The New York Times, 16.02.2011
Halfway around the world from Tahrir Square in Cairo, an aging American intellectual shuffles about his cluttered brick row house in a working-class neighborhood here. His name is Gene Sharp. Stoop-shouldered and white-haired at 83, he grows orchids, has yet to master the Internet and hardly seems like a dangerous man. But for the world’s despots, his ideas can be fatal.
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Oposição a Gene Sharp

Iran Election in Media #13 (só parcialmente em inglês)
Voice of America (VOA), 06.07.2009, 17min | Sobre a VOA
In 13th of series on post-election turmoil in Iran, VOA Persian TV’s Behnam Nateghi reports on non-violent resistance theoretician and scholar Gene Sharp, who is accused by the Islamic Republic of Iran of channeling CIA money to Iran protesters. In a documentary meant for release next season, Gene Sharp says he has never worked for the White House or the CIA, denying allegations of an amusing animation film produced by Iran TV.

The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence according to the CIA
Voltaire Network, por Thierry Meyssan, 04.01.2005 | Sobre a Voltaire Network
Non violence as a political action technique can be used for anything. During the 1980s, NATO drew its attention on its possible use to organize the Resistance in Europe after the invasion of the Red Army. It’s been 15 years since CIA began using it to overthrow inflexible governments without provoking international outrage, and its ideological façade is philosopher Gene Sharp’s Albert Einstein Institution. Voltaire Network reveals its amazing activity, from Lithuania to Serbia, Venezuela and Ukraine.

Entrevistas com Gene Sharp

Iranianos podem realizar uma revolução nos moldes da egípcia
Folha de São Paulo, por Gabriela Manzini, 21.02.2011
Pesquisador que influencia movimentos não violentos de democracia em todo o mundo pede ao Egito vigilância para prevenir uma nova ditadura.
The science of people power: an interview with Gene Sharp
The Immanent Frame (SSRC), por Nathan Schneider, 17.02.2011
Gene Sharp is the foremost strategist of nonviolent social change alive today. Books like “The Politics of Nonviolent Action” and “Waging Nonviolent Struggle,” together with numerous pamphlets and other writings, have inspired and guided popular movements around the world for decades. They have been credited, most recently, as a major influence on the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt.
Gene Sharp, the Egyptian Revolt’s Prophet of Nonviolence
The Daily Beast, 14.02.2011
The young lions of Tahrir Square found inspiration in the writings of an 83-year-old American. Samuel P. Jacobs talks to Gene Sharp about why his calls for nonviolent revolt are catching fire.

The NI Interview: Gene Sharp

New Internationalist, 05.11.1997
Noreen Shanahan talks with a theorist of non-violence and finds his pacifism far from passive..

Documentário: “Gene Sharp – Como Iniciar Uma Revolução” | +info
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